
Quality Policy

Quality assurance system & control programs in the company are applied to Manufacturing process. To have effective control methods. Relevant Documentation, collective action & provided means of verification to ascertain the Status of level of implementation of verification to ascertain the Status of level of implementation of various quality control measures at any point of time.

As quality is defined as conforming to requirements to gain customers satisfaction By satisfying stated & implied needs, satisfying fit form & function. In total to meet Complete expectation of customer for satisfaction of quality throughout the Contract deal.

Various quality control measures are implemented to match national & International level of standards.

Jasco Pump Pvt. Ltd. Will continually plan, implement, review & revise a system of

“QMS ISO 9001-2015”

So that all processes undertaken by us achieve & maintain the planned level of Quality of our products as defined by us as a company to meet organizations & Customers expectations & requirements.

Quality Objectives :

1. To Increase sales

2. To Reduce customer complaints.

3. To Increase customer satisfaction.

4. To Reduce process rejection.

5. To Reduce product cost.